Tuesday, June 15, 2010

“Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world…Same world.” –Wayne Dyer

This quote explains how to live happily and peacefully using the Law of attraction. To attract loving people, loving events & circumstances you must become a loving person.Because when you are filled with love law of attraction brings you people who are vibrating at the same loving frequency as you are because you attract according to your feelings. If you are surrounded with people you don’t like and are desperately looking for people you’d like to be with then first of all remove the desperation because desperation is a negative feeling which keeps the desired thing from coming to you, secondly make a list of positive qualities of the people you don’t like and read it often. Example- “I like john because he really loves his family and takes care of them. I like Samantha because she is very dedicated to her job”. Doing this will change your focus from their flaws to their positive qualities and will thus make your vibration more positive about them and LOA will bring them to you only when they will in that good feeling state that you are focusing on. So the world is neither good nor bad, its what you feel about you and about world that designs your world.

That's it for now

May you have the best day of your life so far.

Feel Happy now its the best way to attract happiness.